7 June 2018

An anecdote


  • iforchange is a consultancy working primarily on social investment.
  • We work with charities and social enterprises – both with organisations like charitable trusts that have money, and with operating organisations that want money.
  • We also raise investment money for operating charities and organisations and advise on SITR.
  • We advise on the application of different financial models in ways that are aligned with organisational missions, and in ways that generate impact.
  • Some of the advice we give is regulated financial advice.


i for change ltd. (FRN 628266) is an appointed representative of Sturgeon Ventures LLP which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

This presentation may constitute a Financial Promotion within the meaning of The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005.

The contents of this presentation are for information and discussion only. The information in this presentation does not constitute an offer or solicitation to invest. Additionally, no information constitutes a concrete investment recommendation or service, and some of the "investments" presented are completely fictious, designed to help you think through relevant issues.

Access to any (real) investments mentioned will not be granted to people who are nationals of, or domiciled in, countries where local law or regulations forbid access to such information. The same shall apply to any prospectuses of these products.

Some regulatory issues

  • True, clear, fair, and not misleading
  • Companies Act restrictions
  • Financial Promotions restrictions
  • Suitable/Appropriate
  • Money Laundering

Getting it wrong

Making of misleading statements and impressions =
up to 7 years imprisonment and/or a fine.

This is:

  • Make a statement which you know to be false or misleading in a material respect
  • Make a statement which is false or misleading in a material respect, being reckless as to whether it is
  • Dishonestly conceal any material facts

Who can be prosecuted? Individuals. Company. Officers of the company who "connived". Anyone else who knew of it and profited from it.

Why DIY?



What do you need?

  • A legal instrument creating the investment
  • Investors

What might you want?

  • A business plan
  • A financial model
  • Assistance on deciding if SITR is right for your organisation
  • Assistance on structuring the investment
  • An offer document
  • A financial promotion
  • Advance assurance from HMRC
  • Access to potential investors
  • Help with the HMRC forms
  • Help with investor communications
  • Help with calculating/making payments
  • etc.

Advice and support!

Some Examples

  • Shofar
  • Second Shot Coffee
  • London Rebuilding Society